Secrets of Always Have a Clean House

If you're among the section of the population struggling to maintain an orderly home, you probably find yourself wondering how " clean " people do it. Wonder no longer: The secrets of the clean house crew are about to be revealed. Time to come clean If you don’t consider yourself a “clean” person, it can be easy to feel resigned to the idea that you’re either clean or you’re not. But, fun fact: Cleanliness is not a quality people are born with. Though keeping a house clean might seem borderline magical to some people, it really boils down to serious self-discipline, the desire to keep clean, and a bit of resourcefulness and creativity. Here are 13 tips that will help you, too, become a “clean” person. Plus, find out more myths about cleaning and cleanliness that you should be ignoring. They know how to make space Even if you don’t consider yourself a collector of “stuff,” that “stuff” always seems to pile up in every corner and on every countertop. “Start following...